when there are no stars

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I have a blog
yes i do
do do do

now i need a reason for having a blog.
i think i will just talk about things i like. or don't like. or just want to talk about.
it won't really matter
it will just be me who reads it, anyway.

sooo this past weekend
we went to wollongong
it was my poppa's 80th birthday
it was great
hundreds and thousands of cousins
hundreds and thousands of hundreds and thousands
long car trips there and back are no fun.
but i watched some movies, like ice age 3, and hotel rwanda
hotel rwanda was amazing.
so sad.
so real.
i just wish i could do something.
no, i know i could. i wish i did something to help people who live like that.

kind of related to this, we got our letter from our sponsor child today, Stephanie.
we have sponsored her for years.............since 2001, i think?
her picture shows that she has grown up so much, and her writing is so neat.
i feel really bad because we've never sent her any letters or pictures or anything.
i will, though.
i hope.
on a completely UNrelated note,
a very potter musical...........
watch it
its pure gold
brighter than gold
fluorescent light
i love it!

it is my sister's birthday today.
she is 11. when i was 11, i cried because i didn't get my hogwarts letter.
i hope she isn't too unhappy.
she is singing YMCA on singstar at the moment, with friends.
i just tried to type friends, but as the keyboard is in the dark, i typed friday.
cool, hey?
okay. i think this is very long.
back to farmville :)